Kerkini Lake in Winter: A Photographer’s Birdwatching Adventure

As a photographer always searching for interesting subjects and landscapes, my trip to Greece in February 2023 with a group of fellow photographer friends included a special stop at Kerkini Lake. Located in the country’s northern region, this Ramsar-protected wetland, a wetland of international importance, … Continue readingKerkini Lake in Winter: A Photographer’s Birdwatching Adventure

Unveiling the Rhodope Mountains: A Glimpse into Bulgarian Beauty

The Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria have become a recurring source of wonder for me. Over the course of several trips, I’ve explored hidden gems, encountered breathtaking landscapes, and delved into the region’s rich folklore. This blog post offers a glimpse into those experiences, but it’s … Continue readingUnveiling the Rhodope Mountains: A Glimpse into Bulgarian Beauty


It’s about a year ago that we got serious about covid-19 and went in lockdown for the first time. A life changing event. Spending time with the family, organising home office, home schooling. Stockpiling food and toilet-paper, just in any case.. The first weeks were … Continue readingAnniversaries