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Where Horses Heal
A Horse Whisperer’s Journey In the surroundings of Bulgaria’s coastal town of Ahtopol, a hidden sanctuary for horses thrives. Nektariya Sofia Nikolova, known simply as Neky, has dedicated her life to rescuing and rehabilitating these magnificent creatures. But Neky’s mission extends beyond mere physical healing. … Continue readingWhere Horses Heal
Photography and Feng Shui
As a photographer, I’m fascinated by how images can evoke emotions and transform spaces. Recently, I’ve been delving into the world of Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing our surroundings to promote well-being and prosperity. Interestingly, photography and Feng Shui share a common … Continue readingPhotography and Feng Shui
Kerkini Lake in Winter: A Photographer’s Birdwatching Adventure
As a photographer always searching for interesting subjects and landscapes, my trip to Greece in February 2023 with a group of fellow photographer friends included a special stop at Kerkini Lake. Located in the country’s northern region, this Ramsar-protected wetland, a wetland of international importance, … Continue readingKerkini Lake in Winter: A Photographer’s Birdwatching Adventure
Unveiling the Rhodope Mountains: A Glimpse into Bulgarian Beauty
The Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria have become a recurring source of wonder for me. Over the course of several trips, I’ve explored hidden gems, encountered breathtaking landscapes, and delved into the region’s rich folklore. This blog post offers a glimpse into those experiences, but it’s … Continue readingUnveiling the Rhodope Mountains: A Glimpse into Bulgarian Beauty