Where Horses Heal

A Horse Whisperer’s Journey In the surroundings of Bulgaria’s coastal town of Ahtopol, a hidden sanctuary for horses thrives. Nektariya Sofia Nikolova, known simply as Neky, has dedicated her life to rescuing and rehabilitating these magnificent creatures. But Neky’s mission extends beyond mere physical healing. … Continue readingWhere Horses Heal


It’s about a year ago that we got serious about covid-19 and went in lockdown for the first time. A life changing event. Spending time with the family, organising home office, home schooling. Stockpiling food and toilet-paper, just in any case.. The first weeks were … Continue readingAnniversaries

April Fool

The second wave of snow and cold in a weeks time, spring in Bulgaria. Day 20 or so of the state of emergency, and sitting at home, due to the corona virus. No outlooks that this is going to end soon. The proposal is out … Continue readingApril Fool